
Preview of what we will be doing this semester with R!

Types of Variables

Questions about data

Graphical Displays


Getting started with R (I will demo the commands below, which you can find in the file ClassDataS23.R)

Graphical Displays with R (Use ClassDataS22.csv)

Suggested In Class Exercises (Time to explore R on your own or with a partner.)

  1. Construct appropriate graphs to visually summarize the information collected on the class data survey for the following variables:
  2. Use appropriate graphical displays and descriptive statistics to make appropriate comparisons between cat and dog lovers for different variables in the data set we collected during the first class.
  3. Use appropriate graphical displays and descriptive statistics to make appropriate comparisons between the class years for different variables in the data set we collected during the first class.
  4. Is the shape of the distribution for guesses of the length of the black string the same as the distribution of guesses for the length of the white string?
  5. The actual length of the white sting is 46". Is the overall distribution of guesses centered at this value?
  6. The actual length of the black string is 48". Is the overall distribution of guesses centered at the appropriate value?

Please read Section 1.3 for class on Friday.